To better appreciate the details, I encourage viewers to click on the linked images to be redirected the full-resolution scan of each drawing.
Droid Escape
dec 2023 - feb 2024, 8x4.5”
gesso, sumi ink, and graphite on watercolor paper and plywood. frame constructed from ceramic, epoxy, shrinky dinks, nylon string, and fake teeth
Maltese Childhood
22x30”, apr - july 2022, apr 2023 - present (ongoing)
sumi ink, india ink, diluted acrylics paints, graphite, and gesso on watercolor paper. secured to fiberboard with brass wingnuts.
22x23” , jun - aug 2022, nov - apr 2023
sumi ink, graphite, diluted acrylic paints, and glitter on watercolor paper